# Get an Asset by id Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/assets.get get /assets/{id} Returns a single Asset identified by its id Returns an asset identified by its id from your library that can be used in your videos. ## Audio Assets Audio assets from this endpoint can be used as background music in your videos. When creating a video, you can reference an audio asset's ID in the `backgroundMusic` parameter to add it as background music. See the [Create Video endpoint](/api-reference/endpoint/videos.create) for more details. *** # List Assets Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/assets.list get /assets Get a list of available assets from your library Returns an array of assets from your library that can be used in your videos. ## Audio Assets Audio assets from this endpoint can be used as background music in your videos. When creating a video, you can reference an audio asset's ID in the `backgroundMusic` parameter to add it as background music. See the [Create Video endpoint](/api-reference/endpoint/videos.create) for more details. *** # Create a new Avatar Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/avatars.create post /avatars Creates a new Avatar by uploading source videos and launches training. The process is asynchronous - the avatar will initially be created with 'NOT_TRAINED' status and will transition to 'TRAINING' then 'IDLE' once ready. # Get an Avatar by id Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/avatars.get get /avatars/{id} Returns a single Avatar identified by its id # List all avatars Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/avatars.list get /avatars Returns an array of Avatar objects available for the user # Create a new Video Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.create post /videos Creates a new Video with the specified details # Delete a Video by id Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.delete delete /videos/{id} Delete a single Video identified by its id # Get a Video by id Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.get get /videos/{id} Returns a single Video identified by its id # Paginated list of Videos Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.list get /videos Returns a paginated array of Videos # Render a Video by id Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.render post /videos/{id}/render Returns a single Video object, with its updated status and information # Get a Voice by id Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/voices.get get /voices/{id} Returns a single Voice identified by its id # List all voices Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/voices.list get /voices Returns an array of Voice objects available for the user # Create a new webhook Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.create post /webhooks Creates a new webhook with the specified details. # Delete a webhook Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.delete delete /webhooks/{id} Deletes a single webhook identified by its ID. # Retrieve all webhooks Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.list get /webhooks Retrieves all webhooks for the authenticated user. # Update a webhook Source: https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.update PUT /webhooks/{id} Updates the specified details of an existing webhook. # API Credentials Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/get-started/credentials Create, manage and safely store your Argil's credentials `Prerequisite` You should have access to Argil's app with a paid plan to complete this step. Manage your API keys by clicking [here](https://app.argil.ai/api) or directly from the app's sidebar. From the UI, click on `New API key` and follow the process. Authenticate your requests by including your API key in the `x-api-key` header. ```http x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY. ``` It is essential to adhere to best practices regarding the storage and usage of your API key. This information is sensitive and crucial for maintaining the security of your services. If any doubt about the corruption of your key, delete it and create a new one. Don't share your credentials with anyone. This API key enables video generation featuring your avatar, which may occur without your explicit authorization. Please note that Argil cannot be held responsible for any misuse of this functionality. Always ensure that your API key is handled securely to prevent unauthorized access. ## Troubleshooting Here's how to solve some common problems when working around your credentials setup. Let us assist by [Mail](mailto:brivael@argil.ai) or [Discord](https://discord.gg/Xy5NEqUv). # Introduction Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/get-started/introduction Welcome to Argil's API documentation Hero Light Hero Dark This service allows content creators to seamlessly integrate video generation capabilities into their workflow, leveraging their AI Clone for personalized videos creation. Whether you're looking to enhance your social media presence, boost user engagement, or offer personalized content, Argil makes it simple and efficient. ## Setting Up Get started with Argil's API by setting up your credentials and generate your first avatar video using our API service. Create, manage and safely store your Argil's credentials Jump straight into video creation with our quick start guide ## Build something on top of Argil Elaborate complex infrastructures with on-demand avatar video generation capabilities using our `Public API` and `Webhooks`. Integrate your on-demand avatar anywhere. Subscribe to events and get notified on generation success and other events # Quickstart Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/get-started/quickstart Start automating your content creation workflow `Prerequisite` You should be all setup with your [API Credentials](/pages/get-started/credentials) before starting this tutorial. `Prerequisite` You should have successfully trained at least one [Avatar](https://app.argil.ai/avatars) from the app. In order to generate your first video through our API, you'll need to know which avatar and voice you want to use. Not finding your Avatar? It might not be ready yet. Check at your [Avatars](https://app.argil.ai/avatars) page for updates. Get your avatars list by running a GET request on the `/avatars` route. Check the [Avatars API Reference](/api-reference/endpoint/avatars.list) to run the request using an interactive UI. Get your voices list by running a GET request on the `/voices` route. Check the [Voices API Reference](/api-reference/endpoint/voices.list) to run the request using an interactive UI. You are done with this step if you have the id of the avatar and and the id of the voice you want to use for the next steps. Create a video by running a POST request on the `/videos` route. Check the [Video creation API Reference](/api-reference/endpoint/videos.create) to run the request using an interactive UI. To create a `Video` resource, you'll need: * A `name` for the video * A list of `Moment` objects, representing segments of your final video. For each moment, you will be able to choose the `avatar`, the `voice` and the `transcript` to be used. For each moment, you can also optionally specify: * An audioUrl to be used as voice for the moment. This audio will override our voice generation. * A gestureSlug to select which gesture from the avatar should be used for the moment. ```mermaid flowchart TB subgraph video["Video {name}"] direction LR subgraph subgraph1["Moment 1"] direction LR item1{{avatar}} item2{{voice}} item3{{transcript}} item4{{optional - gestureSlug}} item5{{optional - audioUrl}} end subgraph subgraph2["Moment n"] direction LR item6{{avatar}} item7{{voice}} item8{{transcript}} item9{{optional - gestureSlug}} item10{{optional - audioUrl}} end subgraph subgraph3["Moment n+1"] direction LR item11{{avatar}} item12{{voice}} item13{{transcript}} item14{{optional - gestureSlug}} item15{{optional - audioUrl}} end subgraph1 --> subgraph2 subgraph2 --> subgraph3 end ``` You are done with this step if the request returned a status 201 and a Video object as body.
Note the `Video id` for the next step.
Render a video by running a POST request on the `/videos/{video_id}/render` route. Check the [Render API Reference](/api-reference/endpoint/videos.render) to run the request using an interactive UI. You are done with this step if the route returned a Video object, with its status set to `GENERATING_AUDIO` or `GENERATING_VIDEO`. Get your video's updates by running a GET request on the `/videos/[id]` route. Check the [Videos API Reference](/api-reference/endpoint/videos.get) to run the request using an interactive UI. You are done with this step once the route returns a `Video` object with status set to `DONE`. From the Video object you obtains in the previous step, retrieve the `videoUrl` field. Use this url anywhere to download / share / publish your video and automate your workflow.
# Avatar Training Failed Webhook Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/avatar-training-failed Get notified when an avatar training failed ## About the Avatar Training Failed Event The `AVATAR_GENERATION_FAILED` event is triggered when an avatar training process fails in Argil. This webhook event provides your service with a payload containing detailed information about the failed generation. ## Payload Details When this event triggers, the following data is sent to your callback URL: ```json { "event": "AVATAR_TRAINING_FAILED", "data": { "avatarId": "", "avatarName": "", "extras": "" } } ``` For detailed instructions on setting up this webhook event, visit our [Webhooks API Reference](/pages/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.create). # Avatar Training Success Webhook Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/avatar-training-success Get notified when an avatar training completed successfully ## About the Avatar Training Success Event The `AVATAR_TRAINING_SUCCESS` event is triggered when an avatar training process completes successfully in Argil. This webhook event provides your service with a payload containing detailed information about the successful avatar training. ## Payload Details When this event triggers, the following data is sent to your callback URL: ```json { "event": "AVATAR_TRAINING_SUCCESS", "data": { "avatarId": "", "voiceId": "", "avatarName": "", "extras": "" } } ``` For detailed instructions on setting up this webhook event, visit our [Webhooks API Reference](/pages/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.create). # Introduction to Argil's Webhook Events Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/introduction Learn what webhooks are, how they work, and how to set them up with Argil through our API. ## What are Webhooks? Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens. In the context of Argil, webhooks allow you to receive real-time notifications about various events occurring within your environment, such as video generation successes and failures or avatar training successes and failures. ## How Webhooks Work Webhooks in Argil send a POST request to your specified callback URL whenever subscribed events occur. This enables your applications to respond immediately to events within Argil as they happen. ### Available Events for subscription This event is triggered when an avatar video generation is successful.
Check our [VIDEO\_GENERATION\_SUCCESS Event Documentation](/pages/webhook-events/video-generation-success) for more information about this event.
This event is triggered when an avatar video generation is failed.
Check our [VIDEO\_GENERATION\_FAILED Event Documentation](/pages/webhook-events/video-generation-failed) for more information about this event.
This event is triggered when an avatar training is successful.
Check our [AVATAR\_TRAINING\_SUCCESS Event Documentation](/pages/webhook-events/avatar-training-success) for more information about this event.
This event is triggered when an avatar training is failed.
Check our [AVATAR\_TRAINING\_FAILED Event Documentation](/pages/webhook-events/avatar-training-failed) for more information about this event.
A single webhook can subscribe to multiple events. ## Managing Webhooks via API You can manage your webhooks entirely through API calls, which allows you to programmatically list, register, edit, and unregister webhooks. Below are the primary actions you can perform with our API: Retrieve a list of all your registered webhook.
[API Reference for Listing Webhooks](/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.list)
Learn how to register a webhook by specifying a callback URL and the events you are interested in.
[API Reference for Creating Webhooks](/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.create)
Unregister a webhook when it's no longer needed.
[API Reference for Deleting Webhooks](/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.delete)
Update your webhook settings, such as changing the callback URL or events.
[API Reference for Editing Webhooks](/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.update)
# Video Generation Failed Webhook Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/video-generation-failed Get notified when an avatar video generation failed ## About the Video Generation Failed Event The `VIDEO_GENERATION_FAILED` event is triggered when a video generation process fails in Argil. This webhook event provides your service with a payload containing detailed information about the failed generation. ## Payload Details When this event triggers, the following data is sent to your callback URL: ```json { "event": "VIDEO_GENERATION_FAILED", "data": { "videoId": "", "videoName": "", "videoUrl": "", "extras": "" } } ``` For detailed instructions on setting up this webhook event, visit our [Webhooks API Reference](/pages/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.create). # Video Generation Success Webhook Source: https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/video-generation-success Get notified when an avatar video generation completed successfully ## About the Video Generation Success Event The `VIDEO_GENERATION_SUCCESS` event is triggered when a video generation process completes successfully in Argil. This webhook event provides your service with a payload containing detailed information about the successful video generation. ## Payload Details When this event triggers, the following data is sent to your callback URL: ```json { "event": "VIDEO_GENERATION_SUCCESS", "data": { "videoId": "", "videoName": "", "videoUrl": "", "extras": "" } } ``` For detailed instructions on setting up this webhook event, visit our [Webhooks API Reference](/pages/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.create). # Account settings Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/account-settings ### Account Merger If you see a merger prompt during login, **click on "continue"** to proceed. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/images/Captured%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran2025-01-03a%CC%8000.17.22.png) It means that you created your account with Google then via normal email for a second account but with the same address. This creates two different accounts that you need to merge. ### Password Reset Sign out of your current account Click on "Forgot password?" and follow the instructions ### Workspaces Workspaces will allow multiple team members with different emails to collaborate in the same studio. Need early access? Contact us at [support@argil.ai](mailto:support@argil.ai) # Affiliate Program Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/affiliates Earn money by referring users to Argil ### Join Our Affiliate Program Click here to join the Argil Affiliate Program and start earning up to €5k/month ### How it works Get 30% of your affiliates' generated revenue for 12 months by sharing your unique referral link. ### Getting started 1. Click the signup button above to create your account 2. Fill out the required information 3. Receive your unique referral link 4. Share your link with your network 5. Track earnings in your dashboard ### Earnings 30% commission per referral with potential earnings up to €5k/month Valid for 12 months from signup Real-time dashboard analytics ### Managing your account 1. Access dashboard at argil.getrewardful.com 2. View revenue overview with filters 3. Track referred users and earnings 4. Monitor payment status ### Success story "I've earned \$4,500 in three months by simply referring others to their AI video platform" - Othmane Khadri, CEO of Earleads Always disclose your affiliate relationship when promoting Argil # Article to video Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/article-to-video Some links may not work - in this case, please reach out to [support@argil.ai](mailto:support@argil.ai) Transforming article into videos yields major benefits and is extremely simple. It allows: * Better SEO rankings * Social-media ready video content on a video that ha * Monetizing the video if you have the ability to ### How to transform an article into a video You can choose a social media format (with a social media tone) or a more classic format to embed in your articles, that will produce a longer video. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2025-01-02at16.03.12.png) A script is automatically created for your video, but we also pull the images & videos we found in the original article. Remove those that you do not want, and pick the other options (see our editing tips (**add link)** for that). ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/image.png) From there, just follow the editing tips (add link) to get the best possible video. ### Frequently asked questions Yes you can! See our API documentation # Upload audio and voice-transformation Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/audio-and-voicetovoice Get more control on the dynamism of your voice. Two ways to use audio instead of text to generate a video: Supported audio formats are **mp3, wav, m4a** with a maximum size of **50mb**. Upload your pre-recorded audio file and let our AI transcribe it automatically Use our built-in recorder to capture your voice with perfect audio quality ### Voice transformation guarantees amazing results After uploading, our AI will transcribe your audio and let you transform your voice while preserving emotions and tone. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/images/Captured%E2%80%99e%CC%81cran2025-01-02a%CC%8023.42.08.png) # Body language Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/body-language Add natural movements and gestures to your avatar ## Managing Gestures Your gestures appear chronologically in the Body Language section Press Enter to create a new clip Choose one gesture per clip for maximum impact ## Adjusting Timing * Offset helps you put the exact frame on the right word. 0.5 seconds amounts to approximately offsetting 15 frames. * If the gesture happens too late, after what the avatar says, then click on the arrow on the right. > * If the gesture happens too early, before what the avatar says, then click on the arrow on the left \< # B-roll & medias Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/brolls ### Adding B-rolls or medias to a clip To enrich your videos, you can add image or video B-rolls to your video - they can be placed automatically by our algorithm or you can place them yourself on a specific clip. You can also upload your own media. Toggling "Auto b-rolls" in the script screen will automatically populate your video with B-rolls in places that our AI magic editing finds the most relevant ### There are 4 types of B-rolls Supported formats for uploads are **jpg, png, mov, mp4** with a maximum size of **50mb.** You can use websites such as [freeconvert](https://www.freeconvert.com/) if your image/video is in the wrong format or too heavy. This will generate an AI image in a style fitting the script, for that specific moment. It will take into account the whole video and the other B-rolls in order to place the most accurate one. This will find a small stock video of the right format and place it on your video This will search google for the most relevant image to add to this moment In case you wish to add your own image or video. Supported formats are jpg, png mp4 mov ### Adding a B-roll or media to a clip A B-roll or media Choose the clip you want to add the B-roll to and click on it. A small box will appear with a media icon. Click on it. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2024-12-31at11.18.05.png) At the top, pick the type of B-roll you wish to add. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2024-12-31at11.23.13.png) If the first image isn't satisfactory, press the shuffle (left icon) until you like the results. Each B-roll can be shuffled 3 times. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2024-12-31at11.38.46.png) You can pick 2 settings: display and length 1. Display: this will either display the image **in front of your avatar** or **behind your avatar**. Very convenient when you wish to have yourself speaking 2. Length: if the moment is too long ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2024-12-31at11.41.10.png) When you're happy with the preview, don't forget to click "Add media" to add the b-roll to this clip! You can then preview the video. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2024-12-31at11.38.46.png) ### B-roll options Sometimes, you may want your avatar to be visible and speaking while showing the media - in order to do this, the **display** option is available. 1. Display "front" will place the image **in front** of your avatar, thus hiding it 2. Display "back" will place the image **behind** your avatar, showing it speaking while the image is playing If the clip is too long, you may wish that the b-roll doesn't display for its full length. For this, an option exists to **cut the b-roll in half** of its duration. Just click on "Length: 1/2". We will add more options in the future. Note that for dynamic and engaging videos, we advise to avoid making specific clips too long - see our editing tips below Check out our editing tips to make your video the most engaging possible ### **Deleting a B-roll** To remove the B-roll from this clip, simply click on the b-roll to open the popup then press the 🗑️ trash icon in the popup. # Camera angles Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/cameras-angles Master dynamic camera angles for engaging videos ## Understanding Camera Angles Some avatars have both face and side cameras for dynamic shots Camera angles switch between clips for engaging videos ## Managing Cameras Click camera in top right of studio to change clip angles Record front view and 30° side angle in same conditions Connect multiple camera angles for seamless transitions ## Technical Details Camera changes automatically between video segments (1 out of 2) # Captions Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/captions Captions are a crucial part of a video - among other topics, it allows viewers to watch them on mobile without sound or understand the video better. ### Adding captions from a script Make sure to enable "Auto-captions" on the script page before generating the preview to avoid generating them later ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2025-01-02at15.47.30.png) Click on the "CC" icon to open the styling page and pick your preferences. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2025-01-02at15.48.34.png) Preview the results by clicking play and make sure the results work well If you changed the text after generating captions, note that a new icon appears with 2 blue arrows. Click on it to re-generate captions after editing text. ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2025-01-02at15.55.59.png) ### Editing captions for Audio-to-video If you uploaded an audio instead of typing a script, we use a different way to generate captions since we don't have an original text to pull from. As such, this method contains more error. Depending on the ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2025-01-02at15.53.10.png) ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2025-01-02at15.54.34.png) Click on the 2 blue arrows that appeared to regenerate captions with the new text ![](https://mintlify.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/argil/Screenshot2025-01-02at15.55.59.png) ### Frequently asked questions If the captions are not working, you're probably using a video input and our algorithm got the transcript wrong - just click "edit text" on the right segment, change the incorrect words, save, then re-generate captions. Yes, captions work in any language # Contact Support & Community Source: https://docs.argil.ai/resources/contactsupport This is how you get the most complete and quick support