# Argil ## Docs - [List Assets](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/assets.list): Get a list of available assets from your library - [Create a new Avatar](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/avatars.create): Creates a new Avatar by uploading source videos and launches training. The process is asynchronous - the avatar will initially be created with 'NOT_TRAINED' status and will transition to 'TRAINING' then 'IDLE' once ready. - [Get an Avatar by id](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/avatars.get): Returns a single Avatar identified by its id - [List all avatars](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/avatars.list): Returns an array of Avatar objects available for the user - [Create a new Video](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.create): Creates a new Video with the specified details - [Delete a Video by id](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.delete): Delete a single Video identified by its id - [Get a Video by id](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.get): Returns a single Video identified by its id - [Paginated list of Videos](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.list): Returns a paginated array of Videos - [Render a Video by id](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/videos.render): Returns a single Video object, with its updated status and information - [List all voices](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/voices.list): Returns an array of Voice objects available for the user - [Create a new webhook](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.create): Creates a new webhook with the specified details. - [Delete a webhook](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.delete): Deletes a single webhook identified by its ID. - [Retrieve all webhooks](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.list): Retrieves all webhooks for the authenticated user. - [Update a webhook](https://docs.argil.ai/api-reference/endpoint/webhooks.update): Updates the specified details of an existing webhook. - [API Credentials](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/get-started/credentials): Create, manage and safely store your Argil's credentials - [Introduction](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/get-started/introduction): Welcome to Argil's API documentation - [Quickstart](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/get-started/quickstart): Start automating your content creation workflow - [Avatar Training Failed Webhook](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/avatar-training-failed): Get notified when an avatar training failed - [Avatar Training Success Webhook](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/avatar-training-success): Get notified when an avatar training completed successfully - [Introduction to Argil's Webhook Events](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/introduction): Learn what webhooks are, how they work, and how to set them up with Argil through our API. - [Video Generation Failed Webhook](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/video-generation-failed): Get notified when an avatar video generation failed - [Video Generation Success Webhook](https://docs.argil.ai/pages/webhook-events/video-generation-success): Get notified when an avatar video generation completed successfully ## Optional - [Go to the app](https://app.argil.ai) - [Community](https://discord.gg/CnqyRA3bHg) - [Changelog](https://argilai.notion.site/Argil-Change-log-73153fe50c3f410b8a2147f130fcceda)